LGT news

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64 entries
LGT Financial Services Ltd. (LGT FS) was founded under the direction of André Lagger in 2001. The company is the "backbone" of LGT Group, delivering a wide range of back office functions and IT services from under one roof. Since its foundation, LGT FS has grown from around 120 to over 600...
The acquisition is expected to transfer more than CHF 2.8 billion (AUD 5 billion) in assets from CBA’s ultra-high-net-worth and high-net-worth clients to LGT, accompanied by the integration of approximately 40 experienced advisers, associates, and support staff into LGT Crestone, LGT’s...
At the sixteenth annual Global Private Banking Awards, the Financial Times publications Professional Wealth Management (PWM) and The Banker once again recognised the world's best private banks. LGT was again designated the world's Best Private Bank for Alternatives. "Our owner, the Princely...
Olivier de Perregaux, Alexander GIlman, H.S.H. Prince Philipp von und zu Liechtenstein (from left)
LGT has been the main sponsor of the LGT Young Soloists since their founding in 2013. The ensemble offers highly talented young musicians aged 13 to 25 a unique platform to showcase their skills on stages around the world. The LGT Young Soloists give up to 50 concerts a year and have...
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The internationally renowned wealth management magazine WealthBriefing recently held its third-annual Wealth for Good Awards, where it highlighted the world’s best wealth managers in the areas of ESG (environmental, social, governance), impact, diversity and inclusion. LGT’s expertise and...
The LGT Sustainability Report 2023 is now available. It provides an overview of our goals, activities and progress over the past year, takes a closer look at our Sustainability Strategy 2030 and includes interviews and background articles on topical issues.
With the appointment of Helen Louise Heslop, a UK national, and Gunn Wærsted, a Norwegian national, the LGT Group Foundation Board has gained two new members with extensive experience in finance. Helen Louise Heslop began her career at Price Waterhouse and qualified as a UK chartered accountant...
For two decades now, the highly regarded business and financial magazine Euromoney has been recognising the achievements of the world’s best private banking and wealth management institutions at its Global Private Banking Awards. The award winners are selected by independent judges, who assess...
Financial Resuults 2023
2023年度の金融市場は、地政学的な不確実性が持続したほか、インフレなどの予測困難な経済トレンドが目立ちました。こうした厳しい投資環境にもかかわらず、グループの収益は全般的に好調に推移しました。LGTの収益性の高い成長トレンドは、ここ数年来の組織的かつ継続的な国際展開と、特にプライベート・マーケットとサステナブル投資の分野における投資の専門知識の集積とサービスの拡大に向けた継続的な取り組みを反映したものです。アバディーン社から買収した英国のウェルスマネジメント事業の業績は、2023年9月からLGTの業績に反映されています。 グループの2023年の総営業収益は11%増の25億7,...