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A person, seen from behind, sits wearing headphones in front of multiple screens in a dimly lit office.

Cybersecurity - increasing importance, impressive growth potential

The constant rise in cyber-attacks means that robust cybersecurity is no longer a nice-to-have; it's a necessity. This presents growing opportunities for companies in the business of helping organisations to protect themselves.
A man in protective gear works at a workbench in a factory setting, with welding sparks flying as he works.

How steel - decarbonised - can be part of the solution

Steel will remain essential for the transition to a greener future. So decarbonising the manufacturing process of this key material for many renewable energy technologies is vital for reducing CO2 emissions from supply chains.
A dome-shaped mountain rises from the forest, with blue sky in the background.

Outlook 2025

It's been a strong year for many asset classes globally, as the global economy has demonstrated resilience in the face of continued, if moderate, inflation. Rising geopolitical risks do pose a concern, but strategic fiscal policies and a broadening earnings recovery are creating a positive...
On a busy street in a big city at night, an electronic display shows a series of numbers.

Should investors worry about ballooning government debt in advanced economies?

The quick answer is: Yes, but not necessarily in the near-term. Long-term debt sustainability is an issue, and temporary spikes in government bond yields may become more common. But it's not a reason for investors to avoid bonds altogether.
Factory smokestack with cloud of smoke against the sky

A counter-intuitive approach to the climate challenge

Often, investors who care about sustainability steer clear of high-carbon-emitting companies. But there can be value in investing in firms willing to transform their businesses to make a contribution to decarbonisation.
A sterile-looking room, crammed with massive electronics, glows with a blue-ish light.

Investing in data centres, the factories of the digital age

The inexorable move to digitalisation, driven by technological breakthroughs like artificial intelligence and cloud computing, is propelling investment in the physical infrastructure needed to process and store all the newly created data.
Visualisation of a person with an electronic network superimposed over half of her head

Welcome to the world of Edge AI

Edge AI will bring a vast array of benefits to consumers and businesses by running artificial intelligence algorithms locally on phones and computers, rather than in the cloud. Among the results: apps with better availability, personalisation, privacy and security.
A small mushroom is growing on a tree trunk beneath a much larger one.

European small caps due for a renaissance?

With monetary policy and inflation moving in the right direction, undervalued smaller companies could benefit from a broad-based economic recovery.
A white plate with a fork and a medicine pen on a blue napkin.

Looking beyond obesity drugs

Weight-loss drugs are reducing the risk of obesity-related diseases like diabetes, stroke and hypertension, which is excellent news for patients. But how will this affect the pharma industry's sales of treatments for these conditions?




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