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Toutes les informations sur le marché

LGT Navigator

ECB continues to cut interest rates as expected

The European Central Bank (ECB) met expectations and lowered its key interest rate by a quarter of a percentage point for the second time since the interest rate turnaround in June, thereby reacting to the slowdown in inflation and weak economic growth in the eurozone. At the same time, the ECB...

LGT Navigator

US inflation continues to weaken, but remains (too) high at its core - ECB interest rate decision in focus

The cost of living in the United States rose less sharply in August than in the previous month. The continuing decline in inflation should open the door for the Federal Reserve (Fed) to cut interest rates. However, in view of persistently stubborn core inflation, it remains questionable whether...
Mario Draghi
The Strategist

Draghi report: EU faces existential threat without reforms and investment

As the world's most competitive economy to date, the European Union has a problem: its main competitors, China and the US, no longer want to play the game. In his report "The future of European competitiveness", Mario Draghi, a grandee of EU politics who, as former head of the European Central...
Harris Trump TV_Debate
LGT Navigator

Harris-Trump TV duel: no clear victory, but Harris seems to have the advantage

In the first televised duel between the two US presidential candidates Harris and Trump, the two opponents exchanged blows as expected. Today, the focus is on the latest data on consumer price trends in the US. In the run-up to the Fed's expected interest rate turnaround next week, this could...


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Tous les articles Insights

Financial knowledge

Stephanie Kelton and the deficit "myth"

The US economist is a leading proponent of modern monetary theory, which challenges conventional ideas about government debt, inflation, and pretty much every other aspect of monetary policy. Her views have attracted plenty of attention - and not a few critics.

A close-up of a screen with programming text in different colours
Financial markets

Algorithmic masterpieces

Systematic hedge fund strategies have been around for years. But thanks to technological advances and an ever-growing pool of data, they're more sophisticated than ever.
An elderly businessman sits at a desk surrounded by books, papers, pictures and a computer screen.
Financial knowledge

How Jack Bogle took on Wall Street - and won

Bogle's conviction that low-cost index funds can deliver more for investors than active management was vindicated during his lifetime and sustains his reputation as an investment guru today.
A modern two-storey wooden house nestled in a jungle-like forest, peacefully bathed in morning light.

Of nature for nature: modified wood

Modify fast-growing softwood to make it durable and as pleasing to the eye as tropical hardwood. That's the mission of Kebony, a Norway-based "nature tech" boutique that has drawn the interest of architects, construction companies and consumers. Private investors have come on board too...

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