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Financial knowledge

Stephanie Kelton and the deficit "myth"

The US economist is a leading proponent of modern monetary theory, which challenges conventional ideas about government debt, inflation, and pretty much every other aspect of monetary policy. Her views have attracted plenty of attention - and not a few critics.

A close-up of a screen with programming text in different colours
Financial markets

Algorithmic masterpieces

Systematic hedge fund strategies have been around for years. But thanks to technological advances and an ever-growing pool of data, they're more sophisticated than ever.
An elderly businessman sits at a desk surrounded by books, papers, pictures and a computer screen.
Financial knowledge

How Jack Bogle took on Wall Street - and won

Bogle's conviction that low-cost index funds can deliver more for investors than active management was vindicated during his lifetime and sustains his reputation as an investment guru today.
A modern two-storey wooden house nestled in a jungle-like forest, peacefully bathed in morning light.

Of nature for nature: modified wood

Modify fast-growing softwood to make it durable and as pleasing to the eye as tropical hardwood. That's the mission of Kebony, a Norway-based "nature tech" boutique that has drawn the interest of architects, construction companies and consumers. Private investors have come on board too...

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