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Lateral thinking: the key to unlocking business growth

Lateral thinking involves looking at problems from new and different perspectives. It's a powerful way to promote innovation and uncover growth opportunities that might otherwise remain hidden.

A person enters a house with a green door in front of which is a sign saying 'Vote here' and a US flag.
Financial markets

The US presidential election 2024

In a race focused on the economy and social issues, Harris vs Trump presents the electorate with stark choices - at least when it comes to the rhetoric. The implications for GDP growth and the fiscal deficit in the US are not as grave as you might think, however, while the inflation outlook...
Close-up of a woman speaking, in the background a screen showing an event
Financial knowledge

Stephanie Kelton and the deficit "myth"

The US economist is a leading proponent of modern monetary theory, which challenges conventional ideas about government debt, inflation, and pretty much every other aspect of monetary policy. Her views have attracted plenty of attention - and not a few critics.
A close-up of a screen with programming text in different colours
Financial markets

Algorithmic masterpieces

Systematic hedge fund strategies have been around for years. But thanks to technological advances and an ever-growing pool of data, they're more sophisticated than ever.

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