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百年多来,LGT 一直秉持着“客户至上”的宗旨,致力于理解您的财务需求,为您捕捉市场上稳健而创新的投资机遇,并且提供专属的投资产品和优质服务,助您达成财富目标。若您也希望获得兼具前瞻性与可持续性的理财投资服务,欢迎随时与我们联络。


信赖是理财的基础 了解 LGT

无论您有什么样的目标又将面对何种挑战作为您的专属私人银行我们可以通过一系列的投资方案满足您的需求。 欢迎您进一步了解 LGT的产品和服务了解可持续发展对于我们的重大意义以及我们独特的市场定位我们非常期待与您面谈




在当今时代,投资所追求的,不再只有收益。 我们希望环境和社会也能从 我们的投资方式中受益。



LGT 新闻

LGT News

Walter Giger appointed new CEO of LGT Financial Services

LGT Financial Services Ltd. (LGT FS) was founded under the direction of André Lagger in 2001. The company is the "backbone" of LGT Group, delivering a wide range of back office functions and IT services from under one roof. Since its foundation, LGT FS has grown from around 120 to over 600...
LGT News

LGT to acquire Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)’s personal advice business, Commonwealth Private Advice

The acquisition is expected to transfer more than CHF 2.8 billion (AUD 5 billion) in assets from CBA’s ultra-high-net-worth and high-net-worth clients to LGT, accompanied by the integration of approximately 40 experienced advisers, associates, and support staff into LGT Crestone, LGT’s...
LGT News

LGT receives multiple awards

At the sixteenth annual Global Private Banking Awards, the Financial Times publications Professional Wealth Management (PWM) and The Banker once again recognised the world's best private banks. LGT was again designated the world's Best Private Bank for Alternatives. "Our owner, the Princely...
Olivier de Perregaux, Alexander GIlman, H.S.H. Prince Philipp von und zu Liechtenstein (from left)
LGT News

LGT extends partnership with the award-winning LGT Young Soloists string ensemble

LGT has been the main sponsor of the LGT Young Soloists since their founding in 2013. The ensemble offers highly talented young musicians aged 13 to 25 a unique platform to showcase their skills on stages around the world. The LGT Young Soloists give up to 50 concerts a year and have...
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LGT News






The Monobloc chair at 50

In a scene from the iconic 1967 movie The Graduate, an older man offers career advice to an aimless new college graduate played by Dustin Hoffman: "One word: Plastics. There's a great future in plastics."

Three young people in casual clothes sit on a wooden footbridge with a view of wooded mountains.

Saving tourism from itself: solutions for a cleaner industry

As visitor numbers rise, the economic benefits of tourism could well be outweighed by the industry's negative environmental impacts. The challenge for policymakers and industry leaders is to present sustainable alternatives that attract the next generation of tourists while preserving the...
A man in a suit and tie speaks into a microphone and gestures with his hand.

Financing net zero: opportunities or just higher outlays?

Air is free , but clean air costs - a lot. We sat down with former central banker Mark Carney to get his take on financing the net-zero transition, and the vast benefits ahead if we can get it right.
A woman sits on a bench in a bright, sunlit room with large windows, smiling as she reads.

Top 10 Insights of 2024

These were the stories that struck a chord with our readers in 2024: from Warren Buffett's secret to success, to innovations making superfoods like avocados more sustainable, to the rise of robots in renewable energy.