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A spiral staircase seen from above forms a circle

Turning rubbish into riches

The shift to a circular economy promises to reduce waste and lower the world's carbon footprint. Companies involved in the circular economy are not only fighting climate change, they also offer attractive investment opportunities.
Many people of different colours stand in a circle and stretch out their arms so that their hands meet in the middle.

Why DEI matters in equity investing

Diversity, equity and inclusion aren't just buzzwords. A growing body of evidence suggests that companies that score highly on these metrics also perform better.
Courtyard of a building with a view of a tree and the sky

Energy efficiency: Why less is more

Greater use of renewable energy and improved energy efficiency are crucial if we are to meet the world's decarbonisation and climate goals. Companies offering solutions to energy-intensive sectors like industry, transport, and buildings are expected to benefit - as should their investors.
A bird's eye view of a major urban motorway with multiple entrances and exits.

Investing to keep the world moving

Mobility is one of the most important megatrends of our time - and major change is afoot. What routes can investors pursue to support, and potentially benefit from, the new technologies shaping how we get around?
Earth Overshoot Day: Is it the time to invest in the circular economy?

Earth Overshoot Day: Is it the time to invest in the circular economy?

Against the backdrop of intensifying raw material shortages, growing mountains of garbage and plastic waste in the oceans, the concept of the circular economy is becoming increasingly important. In this interview, Thomas Hassl, Senior Equity Analyst at LGT Private Banking Europe, talks...
A person in work clothes in a workshop holds a hammer and ruler on a piece of leather marked 'LV'.

Europe's healthy "Granolas" stocks

Eleven pharma, tech and luxury stocks, known as the Granolas, are fuelling this year's European stock market surge.
A face can be seen in an electronic device, while in the background a poster refers to AI.

How to protect yourself against AI-fuelled misinformation

Artificial intelligence makes it increasingly hard to filter information when making investment decisions. This could lead to disastrous consequences. Fortunately, there are ways to counter the AI challenge and ensure safe outcomes.
A bridge spans the water in a hilly landscape by the sea.

Recession fears recede, but geopolitics looms large

The global economy has shown remarkable resilience this year, however inflation remains higher than expected, which has led to a re-evaluation of interest-rate forecasts. Turbulence in geopolitics will likely continue, posing difficulties for both financial markets and the world's economy.
Close-up of a man, chin resting on his hand, with a computer screen reflected in his glasses.

Imagining multiple futures

Even Nostradamus might hesitate to make predictions about the future in today's dramatically disrupted world.




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