
Vous êtes investisseuse ou investisseur et souhaitez vous occuper de manière plus active de votre patrimoine? Dans la rubrique Connaissances financières, nous vous proposons des connaissances de base sur les questions de patrimoine, les produits financiers et les marchés.

Close-up of a woman speaking, in the background a screen showing an event
Financial knowledge

Stephanie Kelton and the deficit "myth"

The US economist is a leading proponent of modern monetary theory, which challenges conventional ideas about government debt, inflation, and pretty much every other aspect of monetary policy. Her views have attracted plenty of attention - and not a few critics.
An elderly businessman sits at a desk surrounded by books, papers, pictures and a computer screen.
Financial knowledge

How Jack Bogle took on Wall Street - and won

Bogle's conviction that low-cost index funds can deliver more for investors than active management was vindicated during his lifetime and sustains his reputation as an investment guru today.
A man speaks on a darkened stage, with "Nvidia" written in the background.
Financial knowledge

Share buybacks

2024 is set to be a banner year for share buyback programmes. But many market participants are critical of this practice - despite the strong endorsement from Warren Buffett.
A woman in business attire is sitting at a table in a garden, her hands folded in front of her, looking into the camera.
Financial knowledge

Why young people are financially illiterate - and how to change this

Being financially literate is just as important as knowing how to read and write, says Annamaria Lusardi, a leading expert on financial literacy who teaches at Stanford University. Her advice to parents? They should speak openly with their children about money.
People are turned upside down in the loop of a giant rollercoaster, set against a blue sky.
Financial knowledge

Demystifying volatility

Market fluctuations are normal and largely unavoidable, but are they also something to fear?
Photomontage with the caption "Investor personalities" and a close-up of a man wearing glasses
Financial knowledge

William F. Sharpe: The ivory tower meets the real world

Today's investment landscape would be very different without the Capital Asset Pricing Model and the Sharpe ratio, both developed by this Nobel Prize-winning economist.
Zwei ältere Herren in Anzug und Krawatte bei einem Fototermin
Financial knowledge

The wit and wisdom of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger

They established what many consider to be the most successful investment partnership of all time: Berkshire Hathaway Inc. What can today's investors learn from them?
A woman with glasses and documents is speaking in front of a wall with the Harvard University logo.
Financial knowledge

Claudia Goldin: a cross-disciplinary detective

Best known for her work on the gender earnings gap, the Nobel laureate combines insights from both economics and history to interpret the present through the lens of the past.
A man in a button-down shirt in the outdoors smiles into the camera. The image quality indicates that the image is not digital.
Financial knowledge

Amos Tversky: the irrationality of decision making

The Israeli cognitive psychologist not only revolutionised his own academic discipline but had an outsized influence on economics through his theories on heuristics and loss aversion.

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