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Sleep and performance: how did we become so rest-obsessed?

Getting sufficient sleep has become a status symbol. But doesn’t the focus on rest impose additional stress on already weary professionals and executives?

A man in a suit and tie speaks into a microphone and gestures with his hand.

Financing net zero: opportunities or just higher outlays?

Air is free , but clean air costs - a lot. We sat down with former central banker Mark Carney to get his take on financing the net-zero transition, and the vast benefits ahead if we can get it right.
Photomontage with the caption "Investor personalities" and a close-up of a man wearing glasses
Financial knowledge

William F. Sharpe: The ivory tower meets the real world

Today's investment landscape would be very different without the Capital Asset Pricing Model and the Sharpe ratio, both developed by this Nobel Prize-winning economist.
Eine Person steht auf einem Berg und blickt bei Sonnenuntergang in die Ferne.
Investment strategy

Beyond the horizon: a five-year capital markets outlook

Even investors with long-term goals can focus too closely on the present and miss opportunities that only develop over time. While it's particularly hard to predict the future in times like these, we can identify investment themes like sustainability and technological innovation that will drive...

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