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Elargir ses perspectives

Nos auteures et auteurs vous proposent un éclairage surprenant sur des thème clés, expliquent les différentes interactions et vous apportent de précieuses informations de fond. Les thèmes traités vont des stratégies de placement au style de vie et au développement durable. Choisissez le sujet qui vous intéresse en particulier.

Financial markets

Changing perspectives: From emotional trades to efficient portfolios

Emotions and rumours often drive investors to make buy or sell decisions at the worst possible times. Focusing on their overall portfolio rather than on individual transactions can help them avoid this pitfall.

A long, straight country road, lined with tall, closely spaced trees, stretches into the distance

The long road to decarbonisation

The greenhouse effect was identified as early as the early 19th century - and largely ignored. Today, there is broad consensus that the economic growth and prosperity it enabled are far from sustainable. 2025 marks a pivotal year for the necessary shift.
A young Caucasian man with a dark beard is standing on a rooftop terrasse fronting the camera.

GenAI at LGT: "We will evolve together"

As Head of Data and Innovation, Simon Gomez is responsible for generative artificial intelligence (GAI) at LGT Private Banking. In this interview, he talks about the benefits and limitations of GAI, and why humans (and our faith in them) remain a top priority at LGT.
Alarge temple complex stands in the middle of a forest with several buildings and a white statue towering

Donating art: the gifts that keep on giving

On the title cards of artworks in major museums and galleries, you'll often see the words "gift of", recognizing the individuals whose donations enable everyone to experience the best of the world's art and culture.

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